Terrestrial Humans Mixed Alien Human DNA
About 89 percent of terrestrial humans are a mixture of Alien ET and human DNA. Secrecy is created by the covert governments working in conjunction with the reptoids, who control the Earth and its resources. There are good and bad, positive as well as negative, in all species, including reptoids, Alien Grays and humans.
Earth is a laboratory, used as a test tube for different species that create different life forms, and therefore a scientist doesn't tell his test subjects because it might hinder the outcome of an experiment. The coverts are in control. The African or Negroid peoples originated from Sirius B and from the Orion Nebula, and they were created on Earth by these species from those sectors, plus the Niburuan Councils, who were of the dark humanoid and reptilian hybrid mixes, as a test species when Earth was a laboratory. Earth was a testing ground. The Alien ET scientists involved monitored and didn’t intervene in any of the different species’ development as they wanted to see what the outcome would be and not influence or interfere with their test species.
Religion was brought to Earth by Pleiadians and other species. Jesus was a hybrid of a human and Pleiadian mix. All universes stretch out forever and have no end. All universes were created by energy and a spark of light that gave rise to all life and all consciousness to its being. The essence you call God is a collective of scientists from many species and planets who were the geneticists of diversity who did biogenetics to create lifeforms on laboratory worlds such as Earth. Earth is actually a test tube planet. There is good and bad in all species, although Reptoids are the more aggressive species who have tinkered with and messed up humans' DNA, to make them more war-like and uncaring toward their fellow man, as well as creating hybrids of these to create a hostile being that will be a warrior, and to continue the rulership for their Reptoid covert government operatives once they have left Earth.
There are countless Pleiadians on Earth and they make up more than a fourth of your population on Earth. Zetis are fewer in number. Reptoids are the most numerous. They are recognizable by their dark and corrupted energies and they pass as humans while on Earth (they are shape shifters). Camelot has to do with a secret program about a mass staged contact. UFO sightings usher in a New World Order by using holograms and lasers to sway the people through mind control. Crop circles are created by using lasers which are beamed down by overhead crafts. These are created by a craft’s onboard computers and are encoded messages to awaken those who are at a level to understand their secret codes. Most crop circles are created by Pleiadians and Zeti Grays using a combination of ultrasonic technology and lasers, and the messages pertain to Earth’s evolution as a planetary society.Humans and, in fact, all organic life forms have a soul, and that would be a type of plasma either that inhabits or gives life to every cell within the body in which it lives.
The Silver Cord only takes the human shape when the person is projecting himself out of the body, though this must always remain tethered to the cord that binds it to the "container" it is from, or death will occur once the cord is severed. Again, all humans have a soul or a plasma consciousness that animates and gives personality to the shells they reside in. Psychics are wrong if they are saying people don't have a soul. We are all wanderers from many universes, all here to better the situation on this earth.
Before you came here, you like others chose to come to the Earth school to learn, and therefore you became an observer and teacher, to teach your own species back home on your own world, so that their world didn't make the same mistake as Earth as a civilization is doing. To evolve you must learn and to learn is to grow beyond a planet’s mistakes. Ascension is a process that is an individual thing and is personal as well as global consciousness. All societies need more love and less judgment, more compassion and less hate. Energy healings are good, although a soul chooses to come into a human form with issues that aren't meant to be removed.
Star travel beyond your solar system will not be achieved until you discover a more fuel efficient method of craft propulsion as rockets are cumbersome and consume more and don’t produce the thrust to put a craft into subspace or warp in order to travel the distances needed. As long as science denies the existence of wormholes and star portals, it will be many eons to go beyond the speed of light. Zetis are an ancient insectoid race that is slowly dying due to limited resources on their planets within their galaxy. Human appearance is one of many templates which were given to humans from their Pleiadian ancestors eons ago.
There are about 48 different sub-races / species of Alien Grays with about a quarter of them living on Earth in those bases. There are good and bad in all species, whether it be lizard or insectoid. The Alien Gray race with Oriental features is a sub-race of Kebbens, related to the Essanian sub-race from Betelgeuse. To get reptoids out of power, you have to learn to know how to read energies, for they shape-shift to appear to you on the outside as human. When you raise your rate of vibration or lower it, they can appear to you in their true form for a brief amount of time.
The reason you show them love is because they flee from what is good and seek the negative things they create their power from. You show it globally as a united people, for the reptoids in power don’t want their authority overthrown and they feed off of sadness and anger, making them stronger and making their rule tighter on Earth. Alien Grays as well as Pleiadians created humans with their abilities to think and communicate. The moon is a hollow spheroid craft and has ETs living on the dark side, which has more craters than on the side that faces Earth. The ETs that live there have small outposts as platforms observing activities on Earth. The ETs involved are mostly Pleiadians with a few insectoid species.
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